Creating an account in Google Classroom is quick and easy - simply sign up on the Classroom home page, then let IT know that you are ready to be 'approved' as a teacher user.  Let's look at the details:

  1. Open a web browser and log into your school MyMTSD Google account (Mail, Drive, etc.).
  2. Use the 'waffle' button to select "Classroom," or type in the address directly into your browser:
  3. Google classroom log in screen
  4. Near the bottom of the page you will see 'Get started using Classroom: I am a [Student]  [Teacher]
  5. Click the "Teacher" button.
  6. Your request goes into the approval queue, however IT is not automatically emailed by the system when someone submits the request.
  7. Send a Helpdesk ticket letting IT know to approve you as a Classroom teacher, and within 48 hours you will be all set.
  8. When your account has been switched to an approved teacher, you will notice your Classroom screen looks different; it will say 'Create a class' instead of 'Join a class' (image below).

The image changes from teacher to student

For more information about Google Classroom, see their online documentation.