For the public MTSD school calendars on the website, see this link:

Add Our Calendar To Yours

Our Google Mail system has a calendar for District events, similar to the former "District Events" calendar in FirstClass. The calendar "District Internal Events" is where you can go to put field trips and other items that your colleagues need to be aware of, but not necessarily the general public. This calendar is only open to the faculty/staff, and is not shared publicly. If you would like to add items to this calendar, please see your friendly school admin assistant.

All faculty and staff should have received an email with a link to the calendar. If you did not receive the email, or if you are assisting someone else who did not have the email, please use the below steps to access the calendar.

1. Go go the website and log in with your MyMTSD account

2. Under the heading "Other Calendars" on the left-hand side, locate the box that says "Add a co-worker's calendar"

3. Copy the following text and paste it into that box:

4. Hit Enter on your keyboard

5. The calendar will appear in your list. To add items to this calendar, please speak with your school admin assistants.